dic_pro_commedia_eng - Nuovo Progetto

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 Dante Alighieri
 - 2021 -

The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) can be considered as a metaphorical pilgrimage of humanity which, starting from the darkness of pain and desperation (Hell), journeys luminously towards salvation (Paradise).
Regardless of the logic and religious symbolism, what emerges impressively in the great literary work is the morality that derives from it. Man is marked by moral misery and must follow a path of redemption to reach grace and truth. A redemption that is not always easy, fraught with obstacles and painful events.
 The images created in the photographic project, deeply symbolic, examined some historical figures encountered by Dante during his journey. They are life experiences marked by a particular and heartbreaking experience. In the images I tried to interpret the emotions, desperation, hope or resignation that pervaded these characters, mostly lost in their existential drama.

Email: info@formalux.it

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